Daniel's in the army and never gets any vacation, so we decided to take advantage of his 4 day weekend by heading down to San Diego. It takes 8 hours to get down here, so we decided to leave at the ripe ol' hour of 6 AM to "beat the traffic". We were a little late getting started as I had to stuff everything I've ever owned into my suitcase, but as far as I'm concerned we made it out in record time.
Told you I'm an overpacker.

You better load up on caffeine for an exhausting day of passenger-ing.
On our way down to San Diego we stopped in LA to get lunch with the lovelies Sarah and Chelsea, 2 of my amazing friends from Berkeley. I wanted to stay all day but apparently the only way you can get to San Diego is by actually driving there. After a lunch composed of 50% reminiscing, 50% updates and 100% ridiculosity (yes, I know that's 200% but this wasn't your ordinary lunch) it was time to say our goodbyes.
Too short a visit but don't you fret, I'll be back in no time!
After our lunch we felt refreshed and ready to take on the road. Unfortunately, the road wasn't ready to take us on because we spent the next 3 hours sitting in traffic. This was Daniel's favorite part of the trip as he got to listen to me complain and make attractive grunting noises the entire way. If I had stickers I would definitely give him one for being the best sport of all time. (PS, for all the math-impaired, this brought our "8 hour" drive to a grand total of 10.5 hours. Kill me)
My amazing sister is in the hospitality business and was able to hook us up with a suite with her impressive connec's (is that the lingo for it?). It also helps that the guy that owns the hotel is jonesin' for her (but really, who isn't?) because he left us a nice note with beer, wine, and snacks for the trip.
After a very pathetic workout in the hotel's fitness center, we cracked open a Limited Edition American Budweiser and kicked back before hittin the showers.

I know I look like a swamp monster but keep in mind that this was taken BEFORE hitting the showers.
Being entirely exhausted and delirious, we decided to take it easy and grab some Margs and Mexican in downtown Carlsbad before hitting the hay. My strawberry Margarita was essentially a smoothie with a drop of tequila, but it's probably better that way considering the disheveled state I was already in.
I promise he's eating something along with his fingers.
And now the excitement begins - we're heading to La Jolla to go on a 2 hour snorkeling tour! For Daniel's sake I hope today is filled with a little more beach and a lot less bitch.
What's your favorite type of food?
Daniel and I have become Mexican junkies but we may need to stray away on Monday in honor of America the beautiful.
Are you an overpacker or an underpacker? Underpackers, can you please show me your ways?
RFAW #6: I was out of ideas so I asked Daniel and he said "You like to plan." I said, "So does everyone," to which he replied, "Not everybody." Maybe I should cool it with the minute-to-minute scheduling?
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