I am probably the only person to ever say this, but thank goodness for LMFAO. After the day I had, only the most uppity party music was going to kick my butt in gear and get me to the gym. If you're not a fan of profanity, I highly recommend you do not listen to their "Party Rock" album. (Except for 'Leaving U 4 the Groove'...catchy and surprisingly potty-mouth free.)
SPOILER ALERT: "titties" is a common theme.

Am I the only one seeing a Lionel Richie resemblance?
After my half-assed workout, I concocted myself a dinner-in-a-bowl made with homemade mujaddara, tomato slices, lettuce, sauteed onions, and Trader Joe's tzatziki.
Don't worry, I definitely polished off that tzatziki.
Work was sooo busy today, I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the day. The only thing that got me through? The promise of wine and an HGTV marathon. Is anybody else totally excited that Design Star is premiering tonight?? Oh yeah, uh....me neither.

I spy somebody lurkingggg. P.S. I know that looks like a questionable liquid in my glass but I promise that it's high quality Charles Shaw chardonnay.
Of course, my night would not be complete without this lovely girl to snuggle with:
She's more of a Biggest Loser fanatic, so she had to find something else to do during Design Star. I really do admire her loyalty in television programming.
I'm toying with the idea of going to spin at 5:45 tomorrow morning. If you are planning on talking to me tomorrow, I strongly urge you to wait until at least 9 AM to be sure that I've gotten my caffeine fix.
Do you have a TV channel that you're obsessed with?
I go through waves of obsession depending on what 15 channels we have available at my house at any given time.
What's your Tuesday workout??
Random Fact #13: My last TV obsession was the Food Network, which my friend Rachael used to refer to as "my porn."
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